This year’s TUCO Summer Conference will be again an interactive and engaging virtual event replacing our normal face to face offer – meaning even more of your teams than usual will be able to attend and add to their professional development. This will also include an opportunity to attend an online social event!



This year's theme for the conference social event, as it coincides with the Olympics in Japan, is the "TUCyO Olympics"! It's an online social cookalong and after dinner "games" (don't worry there are no athletics involved!) 


Who is this for?

TUCO Members who would like to attend our interactive social event with our partners and other members to catch up online. 

Why should I take part?

This is just a bit of fun and a chance to see peers and colleagues in an informal environment and have a catch up. Ingredients for the 2 course cookalong are being provided by Ajinomoto (we've simplified the menu after the November online social event but you may want to add some of your own ingredients too) and we're hoping for some volunteers who would like to represent their countries in our after dinner games event. There will be a medal table so we can see which country tops the TUCyO Olympics!

There will be prizes for the best outfits (think Komonos or Olympic outfits), the best looking 1st and 2nd course and the return of the best dressed cocktail.

What’s included?

  • The deadline for ingredients is now closed - you can still join the social event and bring your own Japanese food!
  • Access to the Whova app event
  • Ingredients for the cookalong for the first members who register by the 18th of July
  • "Tables" are allocated on arrival but we can accommodate moves between Zoom rooms


Full Members
Associate, affiliate or non-members - Pricing from:


Online details TBC


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