An event that is being run by The Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Chester Zoo Sustainable Palm Oil Communities Project, AAK, East Riding Yorkshire Council and Efeca, this free workshop takes place in Hull at The Deep - a sustainable communities partner.


Who is this for?

This free workshop is aimed at those who would like to learn more about responsibly sourced Palm Oil.

Why should I take part?

You and other likeminded attendees will learn how the sustainable use of Palm Oil, rather than a boycott of the product, can become a force for good. You will hear from a range of speakers on the subject and leave with knowledge that can be shared with others at your own institution.

How will it help me?

During the event, you will…

  • Hear from a range of speakers on the subject including the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), a company specialising in making plant-based oils and fats more sustainable (AAK), and Experts in Sustainable Forest & Agriculture Advice (Efeca).
  • Learn how to become an RSPO member, RSPO certified, and how to become an RSPO distribution licence holder. 
  • Learn about new UK deforestation legislation. 
  • Network with like-minded people, including other TUCO members, enabling you to exchange  ideas and take inspiration back to your own institution.

What’s included?

  • Lunch and refreshments whilst at the workshop.

What’s not included?

Anything not listed on the itinerary including, but not limited to:

  • Travel to and from the workshop

Provisional Itinerary:

The event takes place a The Deep, Hull, on the 11th June 2024 from 10:00-16:00.

How can I reserve my space?

Please contact [email protected] 




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