This two part Employability Skills webinar (concluding part takes place on the 20th of August) will cover topics to prepare you for promotion or a different role. In this session you will learn how to use a job description to create a bespoke CV with a strong understanding of your skills and how they can be applied within it. It also looks at why your LinkedIn profile is important and how to use it, with a focus on how you can network effectively through LinkedIn to raise your profile.


This 90-minute virtual session will include:

• What a CV's purpose is?
• How to use the Job Description to tailor your CV
• Key components of a strong CV
• Hacking the 8-second rule
• Understanding and selling your skills

• How your LinkedIn Profile is more than an online CV
• Making your profile searchable
• Adding evidence to your profile
• Skills, endorsements and recommendations
• The value of interacting with groups

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