With many of us and our employees working in isolation and adapting to new work environments, it’s crucial to consider how we can support the wellbeing, mental health and resilience for ourselves and our teams. This session will look at some of the challenges faced, the signs and symptoms to look out for, and solutions available to us.


This 90-minute webinar will help delegates to:

  • Learn the five steps to mental wellbeing and how to use them practically
  • Understand the stigma that surrounds the topic of mental health and how to break it
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of anxiety
  • Learn about APPLE – the coping strategy for anxiety – and act proactively to prevent it
  • Understand how to start a conversation about mental health with someone affected
  • Understand the effect wellbeing has on overall team performance and commitment
  • Foster a positive workplace that encourages team wellbeing and a healthy work-life balance
  • Manage emotions to aid resilience and psychological safety
  • How to create a culture of psychological safety and get the best from employees

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