The Culinary Olympics is a competition of superlatives and brings together the culinary community from all over the world: The IKA/Culinary Olympics has been organized by the German Chefs’ Association (VKD) for almost 125 years. 2024 will not only be a large event logistically, but above all a great opportunity to see chefs from a large number of countries performing at the top of their game. This will be demonstrated not least by the rousing atmosphere on site in Stuttgart and the teams that bring top performances to their plates.


Who  is this for?

For chefs and catering staff for events and fine dining. This event is also ideal for any chefs or catering staff who are interested in competing at the TUCO Competitions when they return. (Or even the 2028 Culinary Olympics)

Why should I take part?

Anyone who has ever attended the IKA/Culinary Olympics will always remember it’s special flair and the feeling that makes  this event so unique. No other international competition for chefs is as diverse, comprehensive and exciting as the mega event in Stuttgart. The IKA/Culinary Olympics bring together the most talented culinary artists from all over the world – a ‘once in a lifetime’ event that has been repeated every four years since 1900.

Divided into different categories, talented chefs with a particular passion for the competition meet at the Culinary Olympics. They face up to their competitors and the attentive jury of experts, show award-winning creations on plates and start culinary trends .

The competition calls for maximum concentration and a great deal of know-how. Additionally, on the way to the podium, creative achievements count at least as much as cleanliness, hygiene and sustainability in the workplace. And in the team categories, team spirit is often decisive when it comes to winning. 

This is an opportunity to experience the competition as a participant in tasting the menus produced and also visit the exhibition with over 500 exhibitors at the Messe hall in Stuttgart. The exhibition includes food art with further competitions for individuals who are competing as solo artists in the categories of Individual Exhibitors and Live Carvers, they will create impressive sculptures from vegetables, fruit, butter, chocolate, sugar and much more.

An inspirational event!


How will it help me?

During the event, you will…

  • Network with like-minded TUCO members working in similar roles at other UK universities, enabling you to exchange innovative ideas, taking new inspiration back to your own institution
  • Enjoy first class menus produced by the competitors
  • Meet one of the judges who will give you insight on how the competitions are judged
  • Attend the exhibition with access to the food carving competitors 'live carving'
  • Ideas and menu inspiration to take back to your institution 

What’s included?

  • Return flights to Stuttgart
  • Hotel accommodation
  • All travel during whilst on the study tour
  • Full access to the Messe hall for the competitions and the exhibition
  • All meals and refreshments.

What’s not included?

Anything not listed on the itinerary including, but not limited to:

  • Travel to and from the tour
  • Additional drinks, room service, etc. 

Provisional Itinerary:

OUT 5 Feb 2024 07:10 HEATHROW (LONDON) Terminal 3      

RETURN 7 Feb 2024 15:55 STUTTGART (Arrive 16:45 HEATHROW (LONDON) Terminal 3) 

All timings are local and subject to alteration.    

A provisional itinerary for this study tour will be made available shortly. Please note, this is subject to change. Final itineraries will be available approx. 1 week prior to Tour commencement.


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Associate/Affiliate Member


Messe, Messepiazza 1, Stuttgart 70629


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