Visit Milan to attend the prestigious HOST event. Delegates will depart Manchester Airport for Milan on the 19th October and stay at the Holiday Inn Hotel. 2-day HOST event entrance will be included in the Study Tour amongst other visits during your stay that will allow you to experience the food and drink that Milan has to offer.


Who is this for?

This study tour has been designed to cover as many areas of catering and hospitality as possible and to reach staff at all levels from new starters looking for inspiration and skills, to high level management seeking to stay on top of their game. The visits on this tour have been designed to offer the flexibility for staff from any department within catering and hospitality to take away lots of knowledge and information dependent on their personal objectives. Delegates who sign up to this event will be contacted by TUCO Academy in advance of the tour departure to assess their personal reasons for attending the tour and the itinerary will subsequently be adjusted in all areas to be as focussed, relevant and rewarding as possible.

Why should I take part?

The HOST Milano event is an equipment, coffee and food international hospitality exhibition and the leading trade fair dedicated to the world of catering and hospitality. HOST is a point of reference for professional operators of the catering industry and a privileged marketplace for doing quality business. The event takes place every two years, and is a showcase of everything, from successful bars and restaurants, to raw materials to semi-finished products, from machinery and equipment to furnishings and tableware.

How will it help me?

During the event, you will…

  • Network with likeminded TUCO Academy members from institutions across the UK, creating links for your institution making your network stronger and building confidence and motivation amongst teams.
  • Visit the leading trade fare dedicated to the world of catering and hospitality which last year received visitors from 117 countries and exhibitors from 52 countries.
  • Assess how the domestic and international markets are progressing in order to keep up with customer demands and expectations
  • Examine current offerings from the existing market, to be able to benchmark against your competition

What’s included?

  • Overnight accommodation in the city centre
  • All visits including entry to the HOST event
  • Food and drinks each day
  • Travel around Milan and refreshments throughout.

What’s not included?

Anything not listed on the itinerary including, but not limited to:

  • Additional drinks, room service, etc. 

Provisional Itinerary:

A provisional itinerary will be made available shortly. Final itineraries will be uploaded to your Dashboard approx. 1 week prior to Tour commencement.


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