Reynolds and TUCO presents a two-day Food Study Tour, bringing the very latest food evolution to life and shining some light on the reasoning behind current trends, whilst suggesting how they might be transferred to your universities and colleges.


Who is this for?

University caterers at any level, who are seeking to enhance their catered offerings within their institutions. (Limited to one trend champion from each institution. Please note only the first applicant will be considered.)

Why should I take part?

See and experience the transformation of Michelin star kitchens moving towards a more street-food style of offer, where some chefs have closed the doors to their fine-dining establishments and opted to set up shop in food halls and other unlikely venues.

Reduced menus have been the trend over the last few years which, in some instances, translates to just one or two dishes done amazingly well. Some of these concepts are ‘super-seasonal’ and the operators obsessive of their subject.

Covid has exacerbated our longing to travel the world, and canny operators have been able to take regional cuisines to even higher levels. Indian and South Asian food is becoming more specialised and localised, with Sri Lankan, Nepalese and Bengali cuisine taking center-stage, and many restaurateurs drilling even further into hyper-local dishes.

Although not a new concept, we are experiencing a revolution in the fusion of various cuisines, many of which are growing quickly, such as American Korean or Japanese Italian. in theory these seem an unlikely marriage, but when all the taste senses come together, and clever pairing of ingredients or cooking techniques are combined, it can be a wonderful experience.

Covid has also heightened our primal instincts and chefs are getting closer to nature, which we can see through a greater prevalence of cooking with fire, as well as a desire for zero waste in the kitchen. Cleaner eating is still a ‘thing’ and flexitarian or reducetarian eating habits are continuing to fuel the desire for plant-based cooking, which is evolving at pace as operators look to carve their own niche and make their mark.

How will it help me?

During the event, you will…

  • Complete a food safari looking at food trends and developments from the last few years
  • Experience the menu and meals that reflect the trends of fire cooking at Acme Fire Cult
  • Understand the insights gathered on day one and attend the development Rey Lab kitchens to see how they can be scaled for your institution
  • Share best practice with other institutions

Following the event, you will…

  • Get ideas on how to transform menus for current trends
  • Have learnt how informal and informal dining can use the trends and developments since COVID

What’s Included?

Everything included in the itinerary is included in the cost of the study tour but does not include travel to London. It does include one-night accommodation, all travel around London during the Study Tour, all meals, drinks and visits. 

Provisional Itinerary:

Day one:

11am check in/bag drop

12pm Food Safari

5pm Acme Fire Cult for Dinner

7pm After Dinner event

Day two:

7am meet and depart hotel for Reynolds HQ

9am Breakfast

10am Reynolds Site Tour

1130 Rey Lab activity

12pm Cookery demo in the development kitchen

1pm lunch

2pm departure


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