This Study Tour is hosted by Ramco and Hobart and will give attendees the opportunity to visit the Ramco Reuse Facility and Hobart's Innovation Centre.


Who is this for?

University Caterers, Facilities/Estates & Sustainability Managers, who are seeking to find out more about the circular economy.

Why should I take part?

To gain and/or improve knowledge about sustainability, when considering the circular economy, carbon net zero and food waste. Learn about seeing the value in the sustainable disposal of surplus assets and a reduction in the environmental impact and to share best practice with others, learn new skills and make new connections within the University sector.

How will it help me?

During the event, you will…

  • See a circular economy business in action
  • Learn about sustainable practices and how to reduce valuable assets going to landfill
  • Learn how businesses can gain a financial return in the way of getting money back for assets sold or simply off setting removal and disposal charges
  • Discover an Innovation Programme to reduce Carbon Footprint
  • Improve knowledge on how to avoid & reduce food waste
  • Learn from PECT about the Cool Food Pro programme to help develop new practices PECT

What’s Included?

Everything included in the itinerary is included in the cost of the study tour but does not include travel to the sites. It does include one-night accommodation, and food and drink on the study tour. Travel between the sites is also included but attendees using public transport should consider that the start and end parts of the tour are not at the same place. (Starts at Skegness and ends at Peterborough). 

Provisional Itinerary:

Thursday 15th September

1100: Arrive at Ramco UK Skegness welcome and introduction

1245: Light lunch

1330: Tour of Ramco Reuse Facility

1530: Refreshments and depart

1700: Check in at Peterborough

1930: Evening meal

Friday 16th September

0930: Arrive at Hobart Innovation Centre Peterborough

1000: Intro to PECT and sustainable practices

1030: Machine Innovation Programme to reduce Carbon Footprint

1145: Lunch - Live cooking demo to include ideas in the reduction of waste

13:00: AOB and depart 



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