We are excited to announce Study Tours are back! This study tour takes in a variety of catering sites that do plant protein, vegan and vegetarian meals AND drinks exceptionally well.


Who is this for?

University caterers at any level, who are seeking to enhance their vegan and vegetarian offerings within their institutions. (Limited to one plant based champion from each institution where possible.)

Why should I take part?

The vegan and vegetarian lifestyle as a trend and dietary choice is one that shows no sign of stopping and the sale of plant protein products have been increasing rapidly over the last few years. In addition, a growing number of consumers who would normally include meat and dairy products in their meals are opting for a 'flexitarian' diet on an increasingly frequent basis. Over 90% of plant-based meals in the last few years in the UK were eaten by non-vegans! This cumulative preference for vegan and vegetarian meals and drink options, is by consumers who are engaged with following a 'healthier lifestyle' and are actively choosing to reduce their meat and/or dairy consumption as well as the traditional vegan and vegetarians. Catering for both demographics is a great way for institutions to keep menus fresh and interesting.

How will it help me?

During the event, you will…

  • Visit some of the most innovative and creative food establishments in London with a leading supplier of plant protein products, Vegetarian Express who can discuss with you how you can replicate some of the menu items in your own institutions with their Development Chef
  • Have the added benefit of guidance from a leading drink supplier, LWC who will be looking at food pairing and showing the options for vegan wine and alcoholic beverages which promote health benefits
  • Experience menus and meals AND drinks that reflect the trends of conscientious consuming, the plant-based revolution and health for all 
  • Share best practice with other institutions

Following the event, you will…

  • Get ideas on how to transform menus for vegans and vegetarians
  • Have learnt how informal and informal dining can use vegan and vegetarian options
  • Have information on how to pair vegan beverages with plant based food

What’s Included?

Everything included in the itinerary is included in the cost of the study tour but does not include travel to London. It does include one-night accommodation, all travel around London during the Study Tour, all meals, drinks and visits. The Academy will also provide a risk assessment for COVID and will expect all participants to adhere to current government guidelines at the time of the event, throughout the Study Tour. 

Provisional Itinerary:

Please see the PDF below:


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