A welcome return to our normal format of a Study Tour post Conference in the vibrant city of Newcastle. Explore global food trends from the newly launched at conference TUCO Global Food Trends.


Who is this for?

TUCO Members who would like to explore the Winter Conference Global Food Trends topic further by visiting restaurants and sites in and around Newcastle, to experience a warm Northeast welcome and immerse themselves in some great regional food experiences. The study tour will commence on the evening of the 30th of November, immediately following the TUCO Winter Conference; therefore, this event is ideal for those attending the conference who would like to extend their learning and development experience.

Why should I take part?

There is plenty of opportunity for catering professionals when it comes to adopting inspiring food and drink trends from The Food People's research on trends, products and practices and Newcastle has several ideas and initiatives that can be explored on this study tour. The study tour is also a great opportunity to extend the discussion and ideas from the conference with like-minded delegates while exploring a great Northern City.

How will it help me?

During the event, you will…

  • Network and brainstorm with TUCO members from other institutions who are facing the same challenges as you
  • Visit Newcastle University's older and new site (with an award-winning sustainable building) reviewing their catering and retail outlets, and rounded off with a beer food pairing session. This session will be delivered by the StuBrew company, started by 2 ex-Newcastle University chemistry students who now supply beer for the University events team!
  • Discover some interesting food and sustainability initiatives that can be applied to your own institution including dinner at Trakol, a microbrewery restaurant with a nose to tail ethos and a kitchen garden. 
  • Visit suppliers and catering sites who embrace the sustainable ethos and / or global food trends

Following the event you will...

  • Be able to introduce sustainable policies and food trends at your institution

What’s included?

  • All travel whilst on the tour
  • Food and drink at all establishments, including dinner on the 30th November
  • All visits 

What’s not included?

Anything not listed on the itinerary including, but not limited to:

  • Travel to and from the tour
  • Additional drinks, room service, etc. 

Provisional Itinerary:

Final itineraries will be uploaded to your Dashboard approx. 1 week prior to Tour commencement.

Winter Conference:

Please note this page is for the study tour following the Conference only. 


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