Utility costs are already increasing and are set to increase again in October. The webinar explores what institutions can do to reduce the impact.


This webinar is being delivered by Dr Samantha Mudie from the University of Reading.

Annual energy costs for the hospitality sector are in excess of £6 billion pounds at today’s record prices, yet recent research demonstrates savings of over 70% may be achieved with simple operational modifications and <2 payback periods. This session outlines several energy and carbon reduction projects from low cost, effective behaviour change campaigns targeting front of house teams, kitchen staff, management, and head office, to complex and innovative menu and equipment modelling for a net zero carbon operation.



Sam Mudie

Dr Sam Mudie is an energy manager at the University of Reading as well as an energy reduction consultant specialising in the hospitality sector. Her doctoral thesis, “Energy Reduction in Commercial Catering”, has resulted in 8 award-winning peer-reviewed academic journal papers. This research measured the energy consumption attributed to appliances, menus and staff behaviours within the food service industry for the first time. Her subsequent projects have resulted in a range of successful energy reduction initiatives over the last decade, achieving millions of pounds worth of savings. 


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