This webinar is an overview of research conducted by TUCO supplier Samworth Brothers / Fresh Food for Now looking at the Food to Go Market.


Understanding the usage and attitudes of Food to Go consumers is key in being able to attract and retain this valuable shopper in a competitive market. This session will share new research based on in-depth food diaries & wider market store observations, coupled with an extensive quantitative on-line survey with regular Food to Go shoppers, listen to the team from Fresh Food for Now giving an overview of what behaviours and motivations were identified.   

This virtual session will include:

  • An understanding of the Food to Go mission building blocks
  • Learning about the 14 occasion based Food to Go missions identified
  • Identifying the most important missions for scale & opportunity for Food to Go buyers
  • An overlay of student behaviour and priority missions for this core TUCO demographic

Samworth Brothers have completed this large piece of Food to Go research earlier this year to understand usages & attitudes of Food to Go consumers at a much deeper level. This has resulted in us identifying 14 key occasion based missions for Food to Go, based on what, where & when shoppers are buying, but more crucially what are their motivations behind why.  Understanding this will allow retailers & suppliers a greater ability to target certain missions with tailored ranges, NPD, communications and services to offer a true solution.

The data collection was completed just before lockdown and following furlough of the research agency, it was analysed & then presented at the end of the summer. Whilst Covid is obviously having an impact  on Food to Go behaviour for both students & staff at present, its expected the trends remain the same when we return to some more normality – the period gives retailers & suppliers time to work on plans to really address the opportunities.  

The results are based on a national representative sample of regular Food to Go shoppers, but Samworth Brothers have also been able to do a student overlay to show where there are differences in their behaviour.

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