Join Yasmin Khan for an engaging and interactive masterclass on how to create a meaningful and successful personal or business brand. Learn easy tricks on how to stand out in a saturated market, grow your audience and customer base, raise your income and better connect your work to your mission so that you can reach the widest possible numbers of people with what you do.


TUCO is happy to provide members with places on masterclasses delivered (online) by the Oxford Cultural Collective at a reduced rate.

The Oxford Cultural Collective has established a permanent, international programme of masterclasses, which support personal growth and professional development for those working in hospitality.   Adopting a distinctly creative approach to learning, the masterclasses will be run by renowned academics, entrepreneurs, chefs, journalists, campaigners and broadcasters.  Reflecting the mood of our times, they are suited to those who want to gain fresh perspectives and challenge orthodox practice.

Browse other masterclasses  -

To book your place - email Sarah McLoughlin - [email protected] 

Please note this session takes place 5pm - 7pm and you must book through Sarah not directly on the website if you would like to take advantage of the reduced rate.




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