An introduction to how the Marine Stewardship Council works and how to get certified.


This session introduces the work of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) which is an international non-profit organisation that sets globally recognised, science-based standards for sustainable fishing and seafood traceability. The MSC ecolabel and certification program recognises and rewards sustainable fishing practices and is helping create a more sustainable seafood market. It is the only wild-capture fisheries certification and ecolabelling program that meets best practice requirements set by both the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO) and ISEAL, the global membership association for sustainability standards. For more information visit

  • Overview of the MSC
  • MSC Chain of Custody certification: our supply chain assurance
  • Consumer awareness of MSC: our research insights
  • How TUCO and MSC can work together: awards, initiatives and more

There will be an opportunity to ask Rowan and Loren questions before and during the webinar which takes place from 2pm on the 18th of April.


Rowan is the Commercial Officer at the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) UK and Ireland team. Having researched overfishing problems in East Africa as the topic of his Master’s thesis at the London School of Economics, Rowan joined the MSC in the autumn of 2022 to develop his passion for sustainable seafood into a career. His work at the organisation is currently focused upon expanding the range of MSC-certified products in the nutritional supplements space, on university canteen menus, and amongst wholesalers, within the British and Irish market.



Loren Hiller is the Commercial Manager at the MSC UK and Ireland. After achieving a BSc in Marine Biology from the University of Portsmouth, Loren worked at Chelsea Technologies Group before joining the Marine Stewardship Council in 2017, where she has continued to work with partners across the fish and seafood supply chain. Her key focus is the delivery of MSC’s theory of change through enabling the supply of product from fisheries to key commercial partners in the UK and Ireland. A committed environmentalist, Loren is passionate in ensuring our oceans remain teeming with life.


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