Efeca UK Sustainable Commodities Initiative webinar on sustainable palm oil and wholesalers


Wholesalers are a vital link in the sustainable palm oil supply chain. Recognising a need for more information to be made available, in December we hosted a webinar session aiming to support more wholesalers and distributors to understand how they can get involved.


Having received strong interest in exploring these topics further, we are holding another interactive webinar to delve into these topics in more detail. We will be exploring questions such as how you can:


  • Engage with your suppliers to understand where palm oil is present in products you are handling and what sustainability assurance is linked to it.
  • Calculate volumes of palm oil being supplied to you.
  • Pass sustainability claims down your supply chain (focusing on RSPO certification and distributors licenses).
  • Communicate about the actions you are taking (including using the RSPO’s revised Claims and Communications rules).

The webinar is led by Efeca and takes place on the 4th April, from 10.00 – 11.00 (30 minutes plus Q&A and discussion)

If you cannot make it but would like to receive the recording, please register anyway so that we have your contact details.



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